1 hour Coaching Call
Is there something you need to chat over about your photography? Do you feel you’re a bit stuck and need a push forwards? Do you feel like an imposter? Maybe you have a burning set of questions that need someone who makes their full time living from photography to give their point of view on? A one hour ‘phone call or video call can really push your photography to the next level; it’s an investment in yours and your business’ future.
How does it work? This is a 1 hour coaching ‘phone call/video call, at a time agreed to suit us both. Once you purchase this coaching call, I will be in touch to take some details from you via a questionnaire. This will be in advance of the call, so we can make best use of the time. After you return your questionnaire we’ll arrange a time that works for us both. I aim to have completed the call within 10 days of receiving your questionnaire. Please note, this option does not include email coaching service or a portfolio review. If you are looking for 1 to 1 coaching, please take a look at the bronze, silver and gold mentorship packages which all include a coaching call and portfolio review. If you are looking to simply add a portfolio review to this coaching call, you can do so for £75 here.