It might not be overly logical to start this series of blog posts with the second set of images from my car parks project, but as I find myself scanning them today, it makes sense to me/they are instantly to hand. There is a lot of photography that I can’t share over on my commercial photography site ( ) and for years it all just sat on hard drive. Going forward I want to start sharing some of my random snap shots of the world on here, alongside some educational posts, and some more general photography content over here on the tin house studio blog.

Being late to driving, I haven’t spent a great deal of time in high rise carparks, which is what had led me to this project. I have a couple of old Bronica ETRsi cameras, a 50mm 75mm and 140 (i think) lenses, a bag of Ektar film and a couple of black and white options by ilford and I take some snaps of the view each time I end up in a new car park, or even an old one, but with an interesting sky. The kit is cheap, so I can just throw it in the boot and leave it there without any worries when I head out. If it breaks, get stolen or goes missing, its not the end of the world. Unlike with my work gear, which is very different both in terms of financial value, and needing access to it all the time.

This is what I took last week when it was hot as balls and the sun was going from mid day blue to that lovely golden hour.

For now I have one more spot available for 1-2-1 mentoring AND at the time of writing this 24 pre sale tickets left for the big colour, composition and story telling workshop.